Advanced Training Course (ATC)

ATC7 7-8 May 2018, Barcelona, Spain

This time we were hosted in beautiful Barcelona by IDIBAPS to learn more about the clinical applications of next generation sequencing (NGS).

The meeting started with a mini-symposium with talks by:

  • Ellen Thomas (100,000 Genomes Project)
  • James Ware (Genomics and precision medicine in cardiomyopathies)
  • Josep Maria Llovet (Molecular pathogenesis and targeted therapies in hepato-cellular carcinomas)
  • Nuria Lopez Bigas (Dissecting noncoding genome signatures in cancer)
  • Iñigo de Miguel Veriain (Ethical issues arising from the application of gene editing in clinical practice)

After the lunch brake, we visited the NGS core facility at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona. The day ended with a poster session by all ESRs.

On the second day we went first to the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico-Center for Genomic Regulation, with an introduction into their bioinformatics workflow and technical setup. Afterwards, we visited the impressive supercomputer Mare Nostrum.

In the afternoon we visited different clinical units (oncology, immunology and microbiology) at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona and learned about their usage of NGS techniques. As a final session we had a short presentation and discussion about genetic counseling.

ATC6 and Open Day 27th November-1 December 2017, London, UK

Our 4th training (transferable skills and advanced RNA-seq analysis) was jointly organized and hosted by King's College London and Imperial College London.

A fully packed week with trainings in presentation, video blogging, grant writing, and career talks.

In the middle of the week we ESRs got the opportunity to visit two schools in South London, where we presented different aspects of our research at three workshop stations (sequence similarity between human and zebrafish, translational ressearch using zebrafish, and the different zebrafish stages with a DIY microscope).

The week finished on a more technical note with in depth training of RNA-seq data analysis.

ATC 4&5 and Mid-Term Review Meeting 11th-13th Jan 2017, Münster, Germany

Our 3rd training event (ChIP-seq and MedIP-seq analysis; organised by MPI, Imperial) was held in Münster, Germany, hosted by the Max Planck Institute. Arranged over 3 days it also incorporated our Mid-Term Review Meeting where all the ESRs presented updates on their projects, along with some background information for our EU project Officer and reviewer. Social events included a tour of Münster and two evening dinners, all very much enjoyed by our ESRs and PIs.

ATC2&3 25th April-5th May 2016, Liege, Belgium

Our second training event ATC2/3 took place at GIGA, University of Liege, Belgum. 14 ZENCODE PhD students, from Japan, Sweden, Germany, England, Spain and Belgium, attended the 2 weeks training course on the CAGE-seq and ChIP-seq technologies. A Network and Supervisory Board meeting was also held on the last day where all students presented updates on their projects so far and plans for the future. It was a great success as demonstrated in the photos below.

ATC1 Network Meeting 19th-21st October 2015, Kidderminster, UK

The first ZENCODE Network and training event took place in the wonderful, picturesque place of Bewdley, near Kidderminster at the Hotel Mercure

Monday 19th Oct and Tuesday 20th Oct focused on student training events (basic computational biology) and then Wed 21st Oct, the PIs introduced their labs to the students followed by a social in the afternoon/evening. There was also an advisory board meeting to discuss matters of the network.

The last day of the meeting took place at the stunning Spring Grove House, Safari Park, Kidderminster